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  Aleph to Taw

This website bears the name "Aleph to Taw" because Aleph is     the first letter, and Taw is the last letter of the Proto-Sinaitic     alphabet, the oldest currently known alphabet.

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Proto-Sinaitic script (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

Proto-Sinaitic, also referred to as Sinaitic, Proto-Canaanite, Old Canaanite, or Canaanite, is a term for both a Middle Bronze Age (Middle Kingdom) script attested in a small corpus of inscriptions found at Serabit el-Khadim in the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt, and the reconstructed common ancestor of the Paleo-Hebrew, Phoenician and South Arabian scripts (and, by extension, of most historical and modern alphabets).

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The Proto-Sinaitic alphabet was chosen because the invention of the first alphabet was unquestionably a revolutionary event for civilization. Did this first alphabet happen by accident, design, or due to an outside influence? That question may never be answered. In any case, it is what it is: a way for man to record his thoughts and achievements for the benefit of others and future generations, i.e., progress and advancements could be recorded and built upon; it would not be necessary for each generation to reinvent the wheel. In other words, man now had a means for accelerated intellectual advancement.

"Aleph to Taw" was chosen as a shorthand way of saying "from the beginning to the end." These stories cover events that occurred somewhere between the Beginning and the End. The chronicler is "Malaki, The Historian of It All." Malaki is everywhere at all times, past and present. He can not see the future because it has not happened yet. Malaki seeks out and records the universe's most relevant and interesting stories.

Malaki's stories are cataloged and archived by the Histropedia Institute. A large number of his stories are confidential and not available for review.

Malaki, The Historian, has no relationship to the Prophet Malachi of biblical times and predates him considerably.

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